Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Lies Poison As Illustrated In Billy Collins The History Teacher

A Lie's Poison As Illustrated In Billy Collin's The History Teacher What if you found out that everything you learned in school was a lie? The entire time you sat learning math, in vein, all of the facts about the government only a softened truth, the wars that were fought to make America a great country all lies. Well in this poem â€Å"The History Teacher† by Billy Collins, he shows what the consequences would be in sugar coating a serious subjects, not just in school but in daily life. Even though you’d want to spare someone the hard truth it would be best to tell them the truth. In this story the main character is a teacher, this teacher doesn’t want to introduce his students to the hard truth of History therefore he finds different ways to making things friendlier for kids as to not desensitize them, or traumatize them yet still teaching them about history. The outcome of him softening the truth, his kids go out into the playground area and pick on the kids that actually knew the real story because, they thought that the other kids were wrong, which the teacher had to deal with because he couldn’t tell the kids other wise and ruin their â€Å"innocence†. I understand how the teacher wants to preserve the kids innocence but their education isn’t something to compromise. Collins poem brings to light the harm that not telling people the whole truth, and /or keeping others in the dark can pose. I can empathize with the teacher because, as a teacher it is your job to teach kids about life, the past, present, this is also basic skills so if you don’t teach them correctly then it’ll be hard for them to learn the truth later in life. After that I realized that even though he was sparing the children their child hood he was also creating a problem for other kids that knew that what he was teaching wasn’t true because his kids would â€Å"torment the weak and the smart, messing up their hair and breaking their glasses†(Collins). These kids are now posing a threat to the other kids at the school due to their oblivious ignorance. In the end of the poem the teacher walks home thinking of new ways to lie to the kids tomorrow. The fact that astonishes me the most is that he sees that the kids aren’t learning anything, and their ignorance is indirectly harming other kids yet he doesn’t make any effort to stop it or rethink his methods. The meaning of this story is that it would be better to reveal the truth to someone rather than lying to them and letting them roam this cruel, uncompassionate world oblivious to the truth. Not telling people the truth, yea it can be sometimes for their own good, or maybe just to keep your conscience clear but eventually someone is going to tell them the truth or they are going to have to experience the hard truth and all your effort of preserving their â€Å"innocence† would be in vein there for in order to spare yourself the embarrassment and spare them the hard realization because, let’s be really real no one can stay innocent forever. Everyone has to eventually face the truth in life therefore let not one moment of truth be spared because it could be vital to their growth as a human being, to sum it all up Just tell people the truth and save others trauma and drama.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Finance accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Finance accounting - Essay Example Lastly, the reserves of the company is estimated and their modes of utilization so that the write-down of the company can be avoided. Impact of Australian Accounting Standards When the net realizable value for all of the subsequent period. Due to a certain circumstances the inventories of the company needs to be written down below the cost that no longer exists or with the evidence related to the net realizable value caused as a result of the changed economic circumstances (Walton & Aerts, 2006, p.120). This leads to the reversing of the write-down where the amount if restricted to original write-down, so much so, the new carrying amount of the company will be lower than the revised net realizable value along with its associated cost. With the selling of the inventories the carrying cost of the inventories is treated as the expense in the period in which the revenue is recognized. This result in the written down value of the inventory is considered as the cost or occurrence of losses . The concept of reversal write-down value generally occurs from the increase in the net realizable value of the concerned company; which is recognized as a fall in the amount of inventory as an expense in the period of reversal write-down occurrence (Johnston & Johnston, 2005, pp.62-63). Reversal write-down The concepts of the reversal write-down under the Australian Accounting Standards will have a great impact on the current situation of BHP Billiton’s US Shale Gas assets related to the financial statements of the company. The inventory cost of the company will reduce thus reducing the carrying cost of the Shale Gas assets to a remarkable extent. Thus the increase in the net realizable value of the company will be projected at a low rate than now. This in turn will lower the intrinsic value of the company resulting in the valuation of the company being similar to the market value of the company or lower than the market value. Hence the company will be in the condition to r evive of the present condition to a certain extent (Australian Government, 2009, p.17). Current and non-current assets and methods of valuation Yes, the current and non-current assets of the company, BHP Billiton’s have been valued in the financial statements of the company. The income and the deferred tax of the company accounted under the head of other assets of the company has taken the deductible temporary differences resulting in the deferred tax of the company amounting to US$3119 million as against US$2195 million in 2010. These amounts have not been recognized due to the probable future taxable profits as the deductible temporary differences do not expire under the tax legislation. The trade receivable of the company is the considered as the impaired assets of the company. All the financial assets of the company are computed at the fair value price under the consideration of payment and receipt. The fair value method is the not a completely independent process. It is based on the results of weighted average value of the items of the company. In spite of providing a balanced figure of valuation yet its limitation the valuation of the business model still persists. However, the fair value accounting process conveys important information related to

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Finance Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Finance Principles - Essay Example An investor will thus, take care of the rate of return to expect and the risk level exposed in the capital market in making a decision on stock and bond allocation. Equity and bond portfolio investment in U.S capital market: Equity investment; An equity investment is supposed to provide long term value growth and the possibility of dividend income. The value of shares can at some time become volatile by being either declining or a rising trend in the overall market period. The stock market index in U.S has being declining in the recent past due to the financial wrangles being witnessed in Europe. The future economic growth of the country is promising to be positive which is a clear picture that in future the prices of the stock will raise. Thus, as a fund manager the current stock prices are in the best lowest prices when I should consider buying for future profit making from sale of the shares in the future. Also, with an economic growth prospects the shares are likely to generate d ividends which will be of benefit to the investor’s economic potential. Bond investment; A bond investment represents a fixed income investment because it attracts a fixed rate of interest and a known maturity time4. The value of a bond investment is determined by the movement of the market interest rates. If the interest rates are high, the price of the bond is low and at the time when the rates of interest are low, the bond price will be high. The interest level of a bond represents the risk level of a bond. The bond market in U.S assessment shows a challenge to fixed income investors because of the way it is associated to the European market which is facing a debt crisis5. This is because the performance of the bond in U.S capital market in the time to approach is likely to be determined by how the events will unfold in Europe6. There has being development of discouraging news from the European market of possible government default in paying back loans, bank crisis and the possibility of euro break up. This has lead to investors demanding a flight to quality on U.S treasury bonds and a poor performance on high yield bonds and emerging debt markets. The flight to quality response by the investors has resulted to the fall of 10- year note to record lows of 2011 with its price rising. This mean of seeking safety has outweighed prospects of earning meaningful long term returns7. Investing in U.S treasury is thus, pegged on a deteriorating of the European market. The expected economic growth in 2012 poses a risk to treasury bonds due to the inflation uptick that may rise which has a negative effect on bond prices. Investing in high yield bonds currently has an unknown future interest earning due to the debt crisis in Europe which can only get better if the crisis are solved to the fullest. Asset allocation; As an investor deciding to invest in the equity and bond market in the American market, the return level and risks associated with two assets due to t he global economic events needs to be allocated with care. From the assessment of the two assets investment opportunities, investing in the stock market is more favorable to an investor than in the bond market for future returns of the investment8. Market performance of any asset has usually being uncertain towards how in future the returns from the assets investment will perform9. This means that an investor has to come up with a portfolio arrangement that will try to caution massive losses from investing in only one asset that seem to have positive future returns. The portfolio investment need to allocate much percentage to an asset that has